Switzerland Innovation


Interview with Dr. René Cotting, ABB Group

Knowledge and innovation are the key to the success of Switzerland – and ABB. But we can only remain successful if we continue to invest in top talents...

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Shaping the future of modern drug discovery

Pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries often depend on the information acquired through basic research. To develop new drugs, for instance, companies...

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Founding a startup is a rendezvous with reality

Calciscon develops and markets the first and only diagnostic blood test to measure the likelihood of calcification in the blood. Kidney patients often have heightened levels of calcification. The Calciscon test offers new diagnostic, treatment and prognosis options.

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At least two Swiss teams hold solar world records: ­Solar ­Impulse and AtlantikSolar. In 2016, Solar Impulse completed the first ever around-the-world flight in a purely solar-powered airplane. EPFL and Empa were key partners. AtlantikSolar, developed at ETH Zurich, holds the world record for the longest fully solar-powered flight ever (81 hours) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

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This breakthrough technology for deep-seated tumor irradiation has become one of the ­leading forms of tumor and cancer treatment around the world. With proton therapy, tumor tissues are destroyed using protons.

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In 2016, the first ever Olympic-style competition for disabled ­people using robotics-based assistive technologies took place in Zurich: Cybathlon.

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The MIRACLE Project

MIRACLE, short for Minimally Invasive Robot-Assisted Computer-guided LaserosteotomE, aims to develop a robotic endoscope to perform contact-free bone surgery with laser light.

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Virtual Reality Specto VR

Medical Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools. With the Virtual Reality tool SpectoVR, doctors can interact in a three-dimensional space with the patient data prior to surgery.

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evolaris aviation gmbh – a spin-off of the Bern University of Applied science – has developed an electrical high power aerobatic motor for the swiss aerobatic aircraft VOTEC 221 in the past 2 years.

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A new method for cheaper solar-energy storage

Storing solar energy as hydrogen is a promising way for developing comprehensive renewable energy systems. Building on a unique idea, EPFL scientists have now developed a simple, unconventional method to fabricate high-quality, efficient solar panels for direct solar hydrogen production with low cost.

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Breath test for detecting head and neck Cancer

Inhale, then exhale. This simple act could now save lives. A technology developed in part at EPFL can quickly identify the presence of a head and neck cancer, such as of the throat or mouth by analysing people's breath. The new device, equipped with extremely sensitive sensors, has been tested on patients and operates with a computer or even a mobile phone.

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Novel ligand-bound GPCR structures

Membrane protein drug targets represent a significant challenge for high-resolution three-dimensional structure determination limiting the discovery and development of novel medicines. leadXpro AG, a company at PARK INNOVAARE, successfully tackles the membrane protein structure identification challenge to advance the drug discovery process and bring better drugs to the market.

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