Switzerland Innovation


Switzerland's Strenghts Gain International Attention

Switzerland as a hotspot for machine learning, the Swiss higher education system as the second best in the world and a quite positive article about Switzerland...

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Die Selbstheilungskräfte des menschlichen Körpers ankurbeln

Angesichts einer stetig älter werdenden Weltbevölkerung nimmt die Bedeutung regenerativer Behandlungsmethoden stetig zu. Im Switzerland Innovation Park...

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Wir haben das "Valley-of-death" überwunden

joysteer, das elektronische Lenksystem zur Fahrzeugbedienung für Menschen mit körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen, war ursprünglich ein Spin-Off-Unternehmen...

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Drug Discovery Made in Switzerland

Drug discovery has come a long way from guess work to a structural and targeted approach to finding new and better remedies. To develop new drugs, companies need to stay up to date about the latest discoveries in genomics, proteomics, structural or quantitative biology.

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Robotics: Innovation and R&D in Switzerland

Forbes recently called Switzerland “the Silicon Valley of Robotics” and said the country has “emerged as a serious competitor to California for the technologies, people and funding that will power the world’s fourth socio-economic revolution”. Find out why.

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Die Selbstheilungskräfte des menschlichen Körpers ankurbeln

Angesichts einer stetig älter werdenden Weltbevölkerung nimmt die Bedeutung regenerativer Behandlungsmethoden stetig zu. Im Switzerland Innovation Park...

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Structure-based Drug Discovery Drives the Development of Novel Treatment Options

Drug development is a long and unpredictable process that requires high levels of investment, endurance and state-of-the-art technology. Basic research...

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Jetzt heisst es durchbeissen, bis wir fliegen!

Das Jungunternehmen evolaris aviation war eines der ersten Mieter im Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne und entwickelt zusammen mit dem Schweizer...

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Interview with Dr. René Cotting, ABB Group

Knowledge and innovation are the key to the success of Switzerland – and ABB. But we can only remain successful if we continue to invest in top talents...

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Shaping the future of modern drug discovery

Pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries often depend on the information acquired through basic research. To develop new drugs, for instance, companies...

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Founding a startup is a rendezvous with reality

Calciscon develops and markets the first and only diagnostic blood test to measure the likelihood of calcification in the blood. Kidney patients often have heightened levels of calcification. The Calciscon test offers new diagnostic, treatment and prognosis options.

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At least two Swiss teams hold solar world records: ­Solar ­Impulse and AtlantikSolar. In 2016, Solar Impulse completed the first ever around-the-world flight in a purely solar-powered airplane. EPFL and Empa were key partners. AtlantikSolar, developed at ETH Zurich, holds the world record for the longest fully solar-powered flight ever (81 hours) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

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