Switzerland Innovation


NCCR Evolving Language - at the Heart of the Language Machinery

Love words, deaf dialogues, counter briefs, boudoir talk, negotiations, alexandrines, speeches... One of the most spectacular adaptations that have...

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Biopôle to Gain a New Building Dedicated to Life Sciences

The canton of Vaud’s pension fund will finance and construct the new building on the Biopôle site of the Switzerland Innovation Park Network West EPFL...

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Bertarelli Foundation's Catalyst Fund Selects Six Projects in Its 2020 Funding Round

The Catalyst Fund – supported by the Bertarelli Foundation – has selected six research projects to fund this year. Led by professors from EPFL and...

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Der Rohbau des Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne (SIPBB) ist fertiggestellt

Gut ein Jahr nach der Grundsteinlegung wurde im Juli 2020 der Neubau des Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne im Rohbau fertiggestellt. In bester Lage,...

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Coworking at the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area – an Interview With Karin Crisanto

Karin Crisanto recently joined Basel Area Business & Innovation as Head of Innovation Space and Infrastructure. She previously worked for more than 17...

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Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area Opens Site on Novartis Campus

Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area has opened a new location on the Novartis Campus. From here, the innovation park’s operator, Basel Area Business...

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Erstes Startup Weekend nach dem Lockdown

Mit der 6. Ausgabe des Startup Weekend Biel/Bienne startete SIPBB nach COVID-19 neu in die Event-Saison. Nur am Startup Weekend können in gerade mal...

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BIC of CERN Technologies at Park Innovaare Goes Into the Third Round

For the third time, Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare in Villigen/AG is hosting the call for proposals for high-tech business ideas that incorporate...

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Assisted Patent Searches at the IPI: Now More Than Ever!

Despite the corona crisis, the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property IPI offers assisted patent searches. - Free of charge and from home until...

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New Building of Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare on Track

The construction works for the Innovation Campus of Switzerland Innovation Park Innovaare are in full swing. The company ERNE AG has started in November...

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Digital & Intelligent Modular Factories H2020 Project

The Swiss Smart Factory is a partner of the EU DIMOFAC H2020 project - DIMOFAC – Digital & Intelligent MOdular FACtories The digitalization of industry...

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Lightbend Closes $25 Million Investment Round Led by Dell Technologies Capital

Used by more than one million developers at companies such as LinkedIn, PayPal and Verizon, Lightbend’s platform Akka helps its users handle billions...

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