Switzerland Innovation


Digital & Intelligent Modular Factories H2020 Project

The Swiss Smart Factory is a partner of the EU DIMOFAC H2020 project - DIMOFAC – Digital & Intelligent MOdular FACtories The digitalization of industry...

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Lightbend Closes $25 Million Investment Round Led by Dell Technologies Capital

Used by more than one million developers at companies such as LinkedIn, PayPal and Verizon, Lightbend’s platform Akka helps its users handle billions...

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Die Swiss Smart Factory war an der Nexcon, der virtuellen Messe für Smart Manufacturing

Am 5. März 2020 nahm die Swiss Smart Factory zum ersten Mal an der Nexcon, der virtuellen Messe zum Thema Smart Manufacturing teil. Bereits zum dritten...

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StartLab Among the 20 Best Biotech Incubators Hatching Startup Stars in Europe

Incubators can give biotech startups the boost they need to get off the ground. StartLab belongs to Europe's leading incubators supporting the next generation...

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LEGaTO: A European IT Project for More Sustainability

The LEGaTO project seeks to reduce the energy consumption of data centres by making more rational and efficient use of computing resources. Rather than...

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Park Innovaare: Groundbreaking Ceremony

On November 7th, Switzerland Innovation Park innovaare (SIP innovaare) steps into a new era. Accompanied by more than 200 guests including partners, shareholders,...

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New Microscopes to Unravel the Mysteries of Brain Organization

Researchers around the world share their stunning images and insights: The open source mesoSPIM Initiative The secret of capturing exquisite brain images...

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ADC Therapeutics Recognized with Excellence Award

ADC Therapeutics has received the “Salus Partner Excellence in HealthTech Award”. The prize recognizes ADC Therapeutics’ excellence in execution...

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EPFL Spin-Off Kandou Bus Brings in 56 Million Dollars

In its latest funding round, Kandou Bus has raised 56 million dollars – mainly from Swiss investors. The proceeds will allow the specialist in high-speed,...

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FIT Tech Seed Loan for Haya Therapeutics

The jury of the FIT chose to support Haya Therapeutics with a FIT Tech Seed loan of CHF 100’000. The startup is developing an exclusive and innovative...

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Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area eröffnet Standort im Jura

Der Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area hat seinen dritten Standort eröffnet. Damit ist der Innovationspark nach Basel-Landschaft und Basel-Stadt auch...

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New Proteins from Pasta, Bread and Beer

Four-year collaboration between 33 partners across 21 countries to begin in 2020  A range of groundbreaking new-protein foods made from the byproducts...

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