In the rapidly evolving landscape of Industry 4.0, the CORE Innovation Centre (CORE), a non-profit research organization based in Greece, is leading an initiative to strengthen the country's manufacturing capabilities. The Twin4Twin project, carried out in collaboration with leading European organizations, aims to provide knowledge on smart manufacturing and digital twins.
The driving force behind Twin4Twin is the desire to bridge the existing gaps in production capacities between Greece and more advanced industrialized nations.
Twin4Twin sets forth a strategic approach with four key clusters:
Digital Twins - Scientific Excellence: In this cluster, the focus is on advancing scientific knowledge in digital twin technologies. Partners, including CORE, contribute expertise in Reduced Order Models, Big Data applications, and pilot production lines. The goal of the cluster is to transfer expertise and develop a PhD program and internship program.
Research and Innovation Management: This cluster aims to enhance the research and innovation management skills of CORE. Beyond scientific skills, it emphasizes the importance of effective management in driving innovation in the digital manufacturing domain.
Business Development: The Business Development Cluster is designed to foster stronger ties between CORE and relevant companies. Its key initiatives include creating a best practice guide for digital twins in an industrial context, establishing a platform for stakeholders, developing a partnership program, and designing a business model for the Greek Smart Factory. This cluster is pivotal in nurturing a collaborative industrial ecosystem.
Research Project: The Swiss Smart Factory (SSF) at Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne serves as a benchmark, representing a fully digitized Industry 4.0 production facility and a pilot plant for modular production lines. This collaboration promises valuable knowledge exchange and a platform for practical learning.
Twin4Twin is scheduled to operate from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025, with funding support from Horizon Europe. Project partners include Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon, Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, and Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne AG.